
Arkadiy Klebaner

Deputy Director for Projects

As the Deputy Director for Projects, Arkadiy Klebaner is responsible for all matters involving planning, support and execution of the assigned portfolio of laboratory construction projects to ensure their successful delivery. In close partnership with senior leadership across the laboratory, Klebaner leads support, improvement of project planning, and execution from performance, compliance, and cost perspectives, as well as the development of world-class talent in support of the laboratory mission and goals. As a member of the laboratorys executive leadership team, Klebaner contributes more broadly to leadership and strategic decisions for the lab.

Klebaner began his career at Fermilab in 1995 with operating and upgrading the Tevatron and Antiproton Source, and later working on numerous other national and international HEP projects. An internationally recognized cryogenic expert, Klebaner brings nearly 30 years of world-leading technical and management expertise and experience in a national laboratory setting, most recently serving as chief engineer and the project director for the Linac Coherent Light Source II High Energy, an essential upgrade to the worlds leading free-electron laser facility at SLAC National Accelerator laboratory.