Fermi National Laboratory

Volume 23  |  Friday, January 14, 2000  |  Number 1
In This Issue  |  FermiNews Main Page

Lab Note

Recreation Facility Advisory Committee

The Recreation Office is looking for volunteers to serve on a Recreation Facility Advisory Committee. This committee will act as a volunteer advisory committee to the Recreation Office in matters that identify needs, problems, and issues of the Recreation Facility, 16 Potowatomi. The committee may make recommendations for equipment purchases, building upgrades, facility policies, programs, leagues, and fees for the existing facility. The committee may also provide recommendations and solutions regarding problems and issues, for long-range plans, and future improvements. Membership for this committee will be through an application process and will require a one or two-year term. The committee will meet bi-monthly from September through April. Supervisor approval will be required. Committee applicants must be Recreation Facility members to participate.

If you are interested in participating on this committee, please complete the application form and mail to the Recreation Office, M.S. 126 no later than January 28. The forms can be found at the Recreation Facility or the Recreation Office. If you should have any further questions regarding this committee, contact Jean Guyer, x2548 or e-mail jeanm@fnal.gov.



James Christenson, ID 8109, PPD DZero, on January 6.

Harold Delaney, ID 2545, FESS-Operations, on January 22.


Katie A. Mitchell, age 23, an on-call employee at Fermilab, daughter of Frederick (Beams Division) and Dottie Mitchell.


David Nevin, Emil Huedem, Steve Krstulovich, Bob Huite and Randy Ortgiesen of Fermilab, and John Chapman of DOE Fermi Group, with the 1999 Department of Energy Management Award for ìdedication to energy management and reducing energy costs,î for their efforts in the Fermilab Central Cooling retrofit.


As Fellows of the American Physical Society, in November, 1999, Fermilab physicists David Neuffer, Joe Lykken, and Heidi Schellman.

Harry Weerts and John Womersley, as cospokesmen of DZero.

last modified 1/14/2000   email Fermilab
