A Visitor from Flatland by Elizabeth Clements
On February 27, Fermilab had a unique visitor — Flat Stanley. Formally known as Stanley Lambchop, Flat Stanley is a character from the children’s book, Flat Stanley, by Jeff Brown. Originally published in 1964, the book is about a young boy,Stanley Lambchop, who wakes up one morning to discover that he is as flat as a pancake — or half an inch thick to be precise. Stanley and his family quickly realize that being flat can have its benefits — such as the ability to travel in an envelope to visit friends. In 1995, Dale Hubert, a third grade teacher from Canada, launched the Flat Stanley Project with the hope to improve children’s literacy and communication skills. Students make their own Flat Stanley paper dolls and mail them to friends,family members or even celebrities. After a few days,Flat Stanley is returned to the student with a journal of his activities and even a souvenir,such as a photograph. More than 3000 schools from over 25 countries participate in the project. If the number of participants isn ’t enough to demonstrate success, Flat Stanley’s list of people and places visited certainly does the job. President George Bush,Secretary of State Colin Powell, and former President Bill Clinton have all shaken hands with the famous flat youngster. Flat Stanley has even made TV appearances on E.R., West Wing and Everybody Loves Raymond. And now Fermilab can be added to the list. In this case, Sam Mantel, an eight-year-old from Wisconsin, mailed Flat Stanley to Fermilab, hoping to have him photographed with some scientists. Here is a peek of some of things Flat Stanley did on his visit, including a meeting with Fermilab Director Michael Witherell.
ON THE WEB: Flat Stanley Project: http://flatstanley.enoreo.on.ca Flat Stanley's journal from his visit to Fermilab: http://www.fnal.gov/pub/news03/flatstanley.html
last modified 3/21/2003 email Fermilab |