Fermi National Laboratory

Volume 22  |  Friday, March 5, 1999  |  Number 5
In This Issue  |  FermiNews Main Page


Howdy–quick comment on a Milestone in a previous issue. I know how anxious we all are for winter to come to a quick close but, given our current Canada geese population, is the fact that they have paired up, with lust in their blessed little hearts, really such a plus?

Jim Kerby


Graduate student Eric Hawker of Texas A&M, on Fermilab Experiment E866, for his Ph.D. dissertation. The award was given by the American Physical Society’s Division of Nuclear Physics. His thesis advisor was Dr. Robert E. Tribble of the same university.


On February 26, Bjoern H. Wiik, Director of DESY, in an accident. Wrote Brian Foster, spokesman for the ZEUS Collaboration, "Bjoern was a great scientist, a great leader and a good friend to many of us. He will be sorely missed."

last modified 03/05/1999   email Fermilab
